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Fruit of labor and land

Actualmente, Bodegas Yuntero la componen 1.095 socios y cuenta con más de 17.000 hectáreas de viñedos propios, de las que más de 1.500 son de producción ecológica, consiguiendo en algunas de ellas auténticos sistemas medioambientalmente sostenibles, que permiten la obtención de este tipo de producción, en un entorno de biodiversidad considerable. Presentan un amplio abanico de variedades blancas y tintas, en muchas ocasiones, cultivados en ecológico durante varias décadas.

Our vineyards are located in the region of La Mancha, which is characterized by the absence of rain during the summer, which means that the pressure exerted by diseases is very low. These soils are called “open calares”, with a very balanced texture that, together with the limestone, facilitates their correct aeration, and in which the Bodegas Yuntero vineyards fit extraordinarily, presenting a more than excellent development of their root systems. At the same time, the plantations are located on aquifer 23, generated by the Guadiana river that disappears underground after being born and feeding the Natural Area of ​​Lagunas de Ruidera, an authentic oasis of La Mancha, and appears about 80 km further to the Northwest, in a straight line, forming the Tablas de Daimiel Natural Park. This aquifer provides support irrigation through a controlled drip system, so that the absence of rainfall, which helps us so much to control diseases naturally, is not a problem for the optimum plant development.

The strains of these vineyards embody the spirit of survival, tenacity and strength, as they are capable of withstanding the harshest winters and the scorching heat of the hottest summers.

Importance of Organic Agriculture in the vineyards of Bodegas Yuntero

Producing in a natural and sustainable way not only brings countless benefits to the environment, product quality and human health, but it is also becoming the most profitable way to care for our crops.

We avoid the use of large amounts of chemical active ingredients that are harmful to health and the environment, replacing them with more effective natural solutions to combat plagues and diseases, which are generally used in conventional agriculture.

Our Technical Department is absolutely convinced of expanding and making organic vineyards more profitable by learning more sustainable and enviromentally friendly, farming techniques which help us manage resources efficiently, improving the profitability of our partners/farmers, by saving energy costs, and agricultural inputs, and most importantly; seeking to improve the quality of the products, enhancing their native character that makes it different and sustainable.

The most representative white grape varieties are: Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Moscatel, Viognier, Pedro Ximenez, Malvasía, Parellada, Verdejo, Macabeo and Airén; Regarding Red grapes: Tempranillo, Garnacha, Garnacha Tintorera, Cabernet, Merlot, Syrah, Petit Verdot, Malvec, Monastrel, Graciano and Pámpana Blanca. Most of them in Organic too.

Sustainability measures that Bodegas Yuntero is currently implementing

“Agriculture in general, and the way of managing our vineyards in particular, is undergoing a very rapid and profound transformation, towards a much more ecological, sustainable and resilient way of working. This change does not weigh us down, on the contrary, we are passionate about it, and it gives us an unrepeatable opportunity to make the most of it and enjoy it to the fullest”. Juan M. Jiménez (Field Technical Director).

Conventional Variety
He has.
Ecological Variety
He has.
S. Blanc
S. Blanc
Moscastel g.m
Moscatel alley.
Petit Verdot
Petit Verdot
5,020 ha.
585 ha.
  • Implementation of ultra-low volume drip irrigation, with lower flow and shorter distance between emitters, which is better suited to our soils and manages to apply support irrigation as efficiently as possible at lower cost.
  • Change fertilization habits. We are reducing more than considerably the units of fertilizer provided per hectare, changing the traditional unit for units with a much higher level of use, applied at the right times. The current high cost of the fertilizer unit prioritizes the efficiency of the unit in terms of time and form over volume, and at the same time the fertilization practices of our vineyards become much more sustainable.
  • Applications of beneficial microorganisms (fungi, bacteria and yeasts), nitrogen fixers and phosphorus and potassium solubilizers, which in addition to providing us with free units, improve the health status of plants and activate their natural defense systems, as well as increase the ability to better withstand stress conditions such as extreme heat, drought, frost, salinity, etc.
  • Application of substrates in the drip line with high water retention capacity to improve its use.
  • Digitalization: Satellite Image Processing (NDVI). Yield Maps. Sensorization. Plague predictions as well as diseases and critical weather conditions.

The average yield per Hectare is 40 Hectoliters.

In the coming years and motivated by the restructuring of the vineyards, there will be a considerable increase in new varieties, mainly red grapes.


At Bodegas Yuntero we consider essential the development of a Quality, Environmental and Food Safety Management System, based on the Standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and in the BRC and IFS Food Safety Protocols, in order to certify the safe production of our wines, complying with the legal and regulatory requirements that are applicable in our wine production, aging, bottling and marketing activities, and with those established by the client, and other requirements that the organization subscribes, related to its environmental aspects and occupational health and safety hazards.

The Winery supports all staff in the maintenance and continuous improvement of the system, considering each worker as the protagonist of the most important phase of the service of a company of recognized Quality, also promoting responsibility towards the environment.

Bodegas Yuntero, through its Integrated Management System, allows patents, its concern and permanent commitment to Quality and the Environment and to achieve a guarantee for the future of our planet that only competitive, sustainable organizations at the forefront of the market can offer.

Our work is based on the following fundamental pillars:

  • Elaborate top quality products and that they meet the expectations of the interested parties, that they are innocuous, legal and authentic, adjusting to the specified quality, as well as assuming their responsibility towards their clients. This is achieved by defining a clear plan to drive the development and continuous improvement of a culture of quality and food safety.
  • Respect, before their employees, equal opportunityand treatment, their privacy, their freedom from opinion, to guarantee a safe and healthy work environment, the necessary training, employment stability, fair remuneration, as well as avoiding forms of psychological persecution.
  • Offer our customers a Quality service, within the agreed period, maintain due confidentiality and respect for the privacy of thier data, adopt an attitude of honesty and have procedures for handling suggestions and claims
  • Promote in all employees a greater degree of solidarity, responsibility, social participation and the culture of quality and food safety.
  • Manage effectively and efficiently, by making its business activity compatible with the exercise of its social responsibility.
  • Correct and precise definition of the procedures, responsibilities and functions to follow in all departments.
  • Compliance with all the legal requirements and applicable regulations, and other requirements that the organization subscribes.
  • Promotion of qualitu, environmental and food safety, at all comany levels, providing adequate training for all the staff.
  • Prevention, control and minimization of the environmental effects generated in the environment, originated from our activity.
  • Promotion of the implementation of segregation programs at the origin of waste, to favor its subsequent reuse and/or proper disposal.
  • Arrange the delivery of our products in a way that causes the lowest possible environmental impact , always making sure that the products reach our customers in suitable packaging that complies with the applicable environmental regulations.
  • It considers environmental criteria a priority in decision-making, and studying at all times the best environmental technology available, thus modernizing our processes to increase their effectiveness in a reasonable period of time and where necessary.

In Manzanares, on January 04th, 2021

Managing director signature